01 02 03 Good Food Trips: Chowabungga IT Park Reopens with a Fresh Look 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Chowabungga IT Park Reopens with a Fresh Look

As one of our breakfast options, we were saddened to discover Chowabungga in IT Park had closed its doors for renovation last July. Without a target re-opening date, we wondered if the establishment would even come back. When would they reopen?

Until finally, our questions were put to an end when we finally passed by Chowabungga with a new and welcoming facade.

Photos from Chowabungga Facebook Page

They're finally back in IT Park and this time, they've redecorated the place to modernize the look of their restaurant. Much like the many different establishments that have an industrial appeal, Chowabungga takes after the hip and trendy restaurant style.

Despite the new look, Chowabungga still has the same reasonable menu with plenty of dishes to offer. What do you think about their new look? Share your thoughts below!

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